Want to get rid of your double chin?

 https://www.accurateaesthetics.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/kybella.jpgDouble chins are often a natural result of aging, genetics and/or gaining weight. If you’d like to reduce your submental fullness, there are several things you can do on your own. Getting the right haircut, doing chin exercises, having good posture and losing weight are changes you can start to make right away to make your chin fat look better. Sometimes no matter how much you diet or exercise your chin fold may not go away and make you look older. When those home remedies do not give you the desired effect, there is KYBELLA™, the new fat injection which quickly melts away your double chin.

KYBELLA™ is a non-surgical injectable approved by the FDA for adults to decrease moderate to severe upper neck fat under the chin. The injection contains a naturally occurring molecule which eats away at fat. When injected properly by a physician, all other cells are left healthy and intact. KYBELLA™ contours and improves the appearance of “double chin”.

About KYBELLA™ Injections

  • The newest non-invasive sensation for double chin and submental fat
  • 95% of patients treated with KYBELLA™ to improve the appearance of  their face and chin reported the treatment was “worth it”
  • 79% of patients treated with KYBELLA™, reported satisfaction with their appearance of their face and chin
  • After being treated with KYBELLA™, patients reported improvement in self-perception, including feeling happier and younger, based on their chin profile, as well as feeling less embarrassed, less self-conscious, less overweight, and less bothered by submental fullness

The KYBELLA™ treatment is customized to help you achieve your treatment goals, and is performed in the office only taking 15-20 minutes each session. There is little to no downtime. Some patients may experience mild burning or a stinging sensation from the injection. Some patients may experience some bruising, redness, and swelling that can last up to a week as the fat slowly melts away. After a few weeks, patients will start to see a change. Once KYBELLA™ destroys the fat beneath your chin, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat. Patients will generally need two to four treatments, spaced four to six weeks apart. People with mild to moderate fat under the chin benefit from this non-surgical double chin reduction.


Filed Under: Body Procedures