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How do I make an appointment?

It is preferable to make an appointment for consultation by calling in person. This will give you the most flexibility in obtaining the exact time that fits your schedule best. The phone number is (781) 263-0011. International and out of town clients sometimes find it easier to utilize email for their correspondence and appointments may be obtained by emailing

We usually schedule plenty of time foryour  initial cosmetic surgery consultation. At Accurate Aesthetics Plastic Surgery, we believe a well-educated patient is one who will do best after surgery. You will be asked not what operation you want, but what bothers you. We want to take the time to be sure that we are treating exactly the areas that bother you. We also want to be sure that you have realistic expectations about your recovery as well as your result. 

The doctor will examine you and make recommendations about the best surgery to treat your problem as well as any alternatives that may be available. A form will be completed with all past medical history (please bring a list of medications and dosages with you). You may meet with our nurse who will review many aspects of surgery with you. We will answer any other questions you may have. Photographs will be taken to include in your medical record. You will then meet with our patient care coordinator who will give you an exact quote for the price of surgery as well as discuss any possible surgery dates with you. We ask that you tell us about each of the areas you would like to discuss at the time of making your appointment so that we are able to schedule correctly and not keep others waiting. Please allow at least an hour to be in the office for your intial appointment.

How many operations does the doctor perform?

Dr. Hein has been in private practice for over 25 years. At Accurate Aesthetics Plastic Surgery, we concentrate our efforts in cosmetic surgery and perform many procedures on the face, eyes, breasts,  and body each week. Like the statistics for the rest of the nation, breast augmentation, liposuction, and eyelid surgery are the most frequent, followed by facelift, abdominoplasty, and breast reduction.

Where will the surgery take place?

Accurate Aesthetics has an operating room certified at the highest level by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities. At this facility we perform breast augmentations and lifts, liposuction, facelifts, eyelid surgery, and abdominoplasties for appropriately healthy patients. Our anesthesia team, surgical technologist, and surgical nurse work with Dr. Hein at the hospital as well. More extensive surgery is done at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, which has been recognized on multiple occasions as one of the safest, highest quality hospitals in the nation.

What type of anesthesia will be used?

We will use the anesthesia which will make you the most comfortable and is safest for you. Surgery in our surgery center is usually performed under a total intravenous sedation (TIVA technique). This is a very heavy sedation in which you will be asleep but remain breathing on your own. There is no breathing tube. Local anesthesia is used in addition to the IV sedation.  You will wake up quickly and there is the least chance of nausea and vomiting with this technique. There are some larger operations performed at the hospital in which a full general anesthesia is needed. Much smaller cases (such as upper eyelid surgery) can be performed under local anesthesia with oral medications for sedation without the need for an anesthesiologist.

Is the surgery painful?

Patients having general anesthesia or IV sedation for  their surgery will not have any pain at all during surgery. Most patients at Accurate Aesthetics complain of minimal pain after surgery. Pain medications such as oxycodone may be prescribed as needed and supplemented with over the counter pain medication. Most cosmetic surgery is done external to the muscles. It is the cutting through muscles which causes pain in many other types of surgery. We perform breast augmentation most often in front of the muscles which not only decreases pain but can give a more long-lasting result and natural appearance. Many operations such as face lifts can often be performed through a smaller incision than was done many years ago. This may decrease the pain as well. Longer-lasting local anesthesia such as ExparelTM may be utilized to decrease pain for many hours after surgery.  At Accurate Aesthetics, you can be assured that we will be attentive to your comfort and well being at all times.

Does the doctor allow the use of any herbs or vitamins?

At Accurate Aesthetics Plastic Surgery, we are intent on using all of the methods available to give you the best, fastest, and safest results. This often includes herbal remedies. For facial cosmetic surgery and for liposuction surgery, you will be given a special preparation of Arnica Montana which will help decrease the amount of bruising and swelling after surgery. You are forbidden to take Aspirin products for ten days before surgery. Multivitamins may be taken up until the day of surgery but extra Vitamin E should be removed one week before surgery as it may increase bruising. Herbs starting with the letter G should not be taken for at least one week before surgery (Gingko, garlic, ginseng) as they may also increase bleeding and bruising. If you desire, you may take your own Bromelain and Echinacea up until the morning of surgery and then start again the day after surgery. Please ask the doctor or nurse about any other specific medications.

Will the doctor shave any hair?

We are able to perform a full face and neck lift as well brow lift and any smaller procedures without shaving any hair. Your hair will have surgical lubricant placed in at the time of surgery to mat it down around the incisions. There may be some blood in the hair which we will try to wash out at the end of surgery. Your hair will be a “mess” but you may shower within 48 to 72 hours, the lubricant will all wash out and you will look fine without any bald spots. For abdominoplasty or liposuction, we may need to shave a small area of the pubic region around the incisions. Please do not shave at home, as that may increase your risk of wound infection.

When will I be able to shower after surgery?

We like to let our patients shower as soon as possible after surgery because we believe you will be more comfortable that way. For minor procedures, you will be able to shower the next day. Most major procedures need about 48 hours before you shower. If there are drains in place, such as after abdominoplasty, you will need to wait until the drains are removed, usually in less than one week. Liposuction patients will be placed in a compression garment after the operation. We ask that you not remove this for at least 72 hours after the operation. At that time, you will be able to shower. You will be given written instructions about the specifics after your surgery but you should always call the office if you have questions.

How long before I can exercise after surgery?

Each operation is different. Any operation has a chance of bleeding afterwards. The blood vessels can re-open after surgery if the pulse or blood pressure goes too high. Therefore we recommend at least 4 weeks after surgery for no exercise and then to start back gradually.   During these first four weeks, long walks are fine (no power walks, no lifting more than 10 pounds). We will see you frequently enough after surgery to guide you along as to when to start exercise. In general, we believe that exercise is good for you and that the sooner you start back, the better you will feel.

Will I have a scar?

Some patients think that since they are having an operation performed by a plastic surgeon there will be no scar. Plastic surgeons try to hide scars by placing them in hidden areas or minimizing the size of the incisions. We use sutures (stitches) that are often buried beneath the skin so that there are no stitch marks. After the initial healing period, we recommend silicone scar strips or silicone scar gel. This may help minimize the scars a bit faster and is available in our office. Scars most often fade over time. However, anywhere there is an incision, you will have a scar.

To schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Hein, please contact Accurate Aesthetics by calling (781) 263-0011.