Best Tips for Breast Augmentation Patients

What breast augmentation patients should knowPlanning for breast augmentation is an exciting time. You are probably anxiously awaiting your surgery and looking forward to your results. As part of your preparation for surgery, read the following tips from Dr. William LoVerme. Many of these tips are from former patients. If you have questions about any of this information, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. LoVerme by calling (877) 603-7874.

Take Care of Personal Arrangements

Request at least one week (preferably two) off from work. Arrange for a loved one to drive you to and from the surgery center or hospital and stay with you the first 24 hours after surgery. If you have children, arrange for someone to help you with child care; you won’t be able to cook, clean or lift your children for a while.

Stock Your Home with the Essentials

Prepare some meals and snacks and keep plenty of fluids nearby. You might want to purchase paper goods and plastic cutlery so you don’t have to wash dishes. Fill your prescriptions ahead of time. Arrange a comfortable recovery space, with large pillows to prop yourself up. Have plenty of ice packs or frozen vegetables ready to place on your breasts after surgery to reduce swelling and pain. Queue up your favorite television shows or movies to keep you entertained as you rest. Wash loose, baggy clothing that is easy to slip on.

Understand Signs of Possible Complications

Complications are rare after surgery. Review the signs and symptoms of potential complications with your surgeon. Read through all post-operative instructions and know what to look for that could indicate a problem. In the rare case that something happens, don’t hesitate to contact your surgeon.

Don’t Push Your Body to Recover

Your doctor will monitor your initial recovery and let you know when it is safe for you to return to work, resume exercise and socializing, and have sex. Don’t push yourself to resume these activities any sooner; doing so could cause an adverse reaction.

Anticipate Some Emotions

Many breast augmentation patients experience some fluctuation in their emotions; one day they feel great, the next day they feel the opposite. Expect that you might have some tough days and put together a plan of support: perhaps you call a friend or read through Internet support forums for breast augmentation patients. Remember that the outcomes should be worth it.

Be Patient

Immediately after surgery, your breasts may look bigger and higher on your chest than you would like. Give the implants time to settle and the swelling to subside. After a few weeks, the results should be closer to what you anticipated.

Contact Dr. William LoVerme

For more information about breast augmentation, please contact Dr. William LoVerme of Accurate Aesthetics by calling (877) 603-7874.

Filed Under: Breast Augmentation