Three Ways to Get a Sleek Jawline

double-chin-noninvasive-proceedure-kybellaBye, Bye Double Chin!

Until recently if you were seeking a sleek and angular jawline, the only effective option was surgical liposuction and/or facelift. That is, until now. Here at Accurate Aesthetics, we offer three easy and nonsurgical procedures that reduce the fat around the jawline, creating a gorgeous and taut frame for your face. Depending on your specific needs, Kybella®, Exilis, and Juvederm® fillers are all non-invasive, injectable procedures which can eradicate the extra sagging skin and fat on our jawline that occur as we age.

Kybella® injections are the hottest new procedure available for jawline sculpting and is FDA approved. Kybella is a synthetic form of a molecule that already exists in our body. Once Kybella is injected into the fat under your chin, the fat cells are broken down, destroyed and flushed out of your body naturally. Kybella is very unique because once the fat cells are destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate fat. Further treatment is not needed once you reach your desired cosmetic goal.

Exilis is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that is clinically proven to help tighten and smooth skin on your jawline and elsewhere on the face for a more youthful appearance. Exilis uses radiofrequency technology to heat the deep layers of the skin, which causes the collagen to tighten and stimulates the formation of new, tighter skin.

Juvederm® is a family of facial fillers that adds structure back to a jaw that has started to sag with loose skin. Juvederm is effective at lifting and smoothing the jaw area in a natural way by replacing lost volume and therefore lifting the skin at the jawline. It can be very a very cost effective treatment for the right patient with mild to moderate sagging who is between the ages of 40 to the mid-70s.

Call our office today to schedule a consult with Dr. William LoVerme and find out which nonsurgical treatment for double chin is best for you!

Filed Under: Non-Surgical Treatment
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