The Top 4 Male Plastic Surgery Trends in 2016

male-plastic-surgery- KybellaAs plastic surgery becomes more accessible and more affordable, it should come as no surprise that there continues to be a dramatic increase in the amount of male patients who are seeking to improve their appearance. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that over 15 million people in the U.S. underwent some type of cosmetic procedure in 2015. Since the stigma of plastic surgery no longer exist regardless of gender, an increasing number of men are finding the benefits of improving their looks and their self-esteem.

The four most popular areas of the body that men are looking to improve are:


There are many reasons why some men have a double chin. Genetics, extra weight, and drooping skin from aging are a few of the factors. For men dealing with this unwanted, excess fat below the jaw line, we offer KYBELLA™, an FDA approved non-surgical, injectable treatment which targets and eliminates the fat cells in the chin area to create a sleek and slim jawline. Within months of KYBELLA™’s FDA approval, interest in the treatment has skyrocketed and Dr. LoVerme was one of the first KYBELLA™ providers in the Boston area. With a non-surgical approach involving minimal pain and downtime, it is no wonder why.

Breast Reduction

Over-developed or enlarged male breasts, also known as Gynecomastia, affects an estimated 40 to 60 percent of men and can occur at any age. This condition can be the result of hormonal changes, heredity, obesity or the use of certain drugs. A male breast reduction is an effective option if you are seeking a more masculine looking chest. Often by just using ultrasonic liposuction (like the brand name VASER Liposuction) to remove fat and glandular tissue from the breast, Dr. LoVerme can help you achieve a flatter and firmer chest, which can greatly help with impaired self-confidence and discomfort.


Despite countless attempts at diet and exercise, often times there are stubborn areas of fat on the body that simply will not go away. In those cases, liposuction is a great way to get the results you are looking for – whether that is to banish excess fat, or to highlight muscle definition by decreasing your body fat percentage. With liposuction, Dr. LoVerme is able to shape the abdominal area, reduce the flanks, and provide a sleeker frame. Goodbye, dad bod!


The face is the first thing people see when they meet you. As we age our skin droops and sags and can make us look a lot older than we feel. With our Exilis Elite procedure, an advanced technique of tightening the skin without an incision or extended recovery time, you can achieve a facial lift that is often referred to as a “mini face lift.” By tightening the deeper layers of the skin and helping to produce new collagen over a period of time, Exilis Elite is an effective option for men who are seeking a firmer and more youthful looking face without undergoing the knife.

Related articles: The Top 4 Reasons Why Men Pursue Plastic Surgery

Dr. William LoVerme encourages all men that want to look their best to schedule an appointment with him to discuss their specific needs. He can recommend a suitable plan of treatment based on what you want to accomplish. To arrange a one-on-one consultation, contact Accurate Aesthetics by calling (877) 603-7874 toll-free.

Filed Under: Lifestyle