Does Lipo Hurt?

shutterstock_249439468Last month, Dr. William LoVerme of Accurate Aesthetics addressed a commonly asked question about the tummy tuck procedure. This month, in the same spirit, the plastic surgeon has decided to answer a commonly asked question about another body sculpting procedure: liposuction. Many of the candidates that approach him about liposuction are interested in knowing: “Does liposuction hurt?” Here, Dr. LoVerme shares the answer.

Treatment Details

Liposuction surgery itself is not painful. As long as anesthesia medications are used and the operation is performed in an accredited surgical facility by a board certified plastic surgeon, liposuction should be a relatively pain-free experience.

Depending on the specific technique and approach used, liposuction may be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with light sedation. Patients that receive general anesthesia are not awake during surgery and do not feel anything. Patients that receive local anesthesia are lightly sedated and may feel some pressure during the procedure (but no pain).

Post-Op Recovery

Everyone has a different tolerance for pain, but liposuction is generally well tolerated. Patients may experience some slight discomfort during their initial recovery from surgery, especially when shifting from a resting position to moving around. The sensation is not painful, but it is soreness, similar to what you would feel the day after an intense workout. The soreness is usually accompanied by bruising, swelling and water retention. Severe pain is very unusual after liposuction, and may indicate a rare complication.

To suppress any post-operative discomfort, Dr. LoVerme can provide a prescription for oral medication. The medication should be taken according to his specific instructions. After a few days, most patients switch to Tylenol or a similar over-the-counter medication. Ice packs have also been shown to reduce discomfort, and compression garments can minimize swelling and water retention.

The most important thing is to remember that any discomfort is temporary. Dr. LoVerme or a member of our staff is always available if you have concerns or questions in anticipation of your surgery or during your post-operative recovery period. Keep in mind that most patients agree that their liposuction results are well worth a few days of minor discomfort!

If you have additional questions about liposuction and the post-operative recovery period, please contact Dr. LoVerme at Accurate Aesthetics today. You can reach us by calling (877) 603-7874.

Filed Under: Liposuction