Reshape Your Arms To Toned And Smooth Arms

Boston Arm Lift

There are many ways to describe arms. Strong, toned, able. Unfortunately for many people, the term used to describe their upper arms includes two words: bat wings. That loose and droopy skin under the upper arms is a source of sadness for many people. So, they try doing what you’re supposed to do to lose weight on your body: eat a healthier diet and exercise to try and tone their flabby skin under their arms. However, that stubborn underarm skin just won’t change no matter how many times they work out or how many healthy meals they eat. This is because no amount of dieting or exercise will be able to change their skin’s laxity. Loose skin on the upper arms occurs for two main reasons- natural aging, and rapid weight loss. Unfortunately, dieting and exercise can’t change our skin’s laxity.

Fortunately, Dr. William LoVerme is an expert in arm lift brachioplasty surgery. Brachioplasty is an incredibly popular arm lift surgery that completely reshapes the under portion of the upper arm, from the underarm region to the elbow. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), nearly 26,000 upper arm lifts were performed in 2015, compared to 2,516 in 1997. That means the demand for brachioplasty rose 929.7% in the last two decades. People who have lost large amounts of weight or whose skin has lost elasticity due to aging are often left with stretched out and deflated upper arm skin. Brachioplasty surgery reshapes the upper arm and minimizes the so-called “bat wings” by removing excess skin. The results are much smoother skin and a much more toned appearance. The surgery is often the only way to give that loose skin area a more toned appearance.

Dr. LoVerme also offers some non-surgical treatments, which works best for those with a small amount of underarm fat.  The Vanquish ME will help reduce your arm fat, while the BTL Exilis Ultra will tighten the skin for the reshaping of targeted fat deposits, but to a lesser amount than brachiopasty.

If you have been self-conscious about your arms and no amount of diet or exercise has helped you achieve the toned and smooth arms you’re seeking, call our office today to inquire about brachioplasty and other non-surgical treatments offered. It may be the solution you’ve been searching for, and just in time for the summer season of sleeveless sundresses.     

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